Cedar Valley Grove Campground & Retreat Center

Insurance Requirements – Outside Entities
Utilizing Church Facilities and Grounds

The church desires to promote community service and involvement by allowing church facilities and grounds to be utilized by outside entities, groups or programs not directed, controlled or organized by the church. In order to protect the church’s facilities and to limit any potential liability that the church might suffer from allowing these entities to utilize church facilities and grounds the following insurance requirements must be obtained from the outside entities, groups or programs before the facilities are to be reserved and committed to these entities, groups or programs.

This policy affects any outside entities, groups or programs that are not directed, controlled or organized by the church. This only applies to meetings, gatherings or programs by non-church entities, groups or programs who utilize the church facilities. Exceptions are made for non-church members who utilize our facilities for weddings/wedding receptions, funerals, and family reunions.

Church facilities are NOT to be used for receptions or gatherings that include alcoholic beverages. Insurance coverage will be required of entities, groups or programs utilizing the church’s parking lots. Example: usage of parking lots by entities or groups for parking.

The church must receive a Certificate of Insurance from any outside entities, groups or programs utilizing the church’s facilities and grounds prior to reserving the church’s facilities. The requirements are as follows:
General Liability Insurance – Either commercial general liability or event
general liability coverage evidencing the following:
Limits - $1,000,000 per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate
Covering – bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, advertising
Injury, products/completed operations
Medical Injury Limit - $5,000 per injury
Automobile Liability – owned, non-owned and hired vehicles
Limits - $1,000,000 combined Single Limit
Medical Injury Limit - $5,000 per injury
Additional Insured – Community of Christ MUST BE named an Additional Insured
on each policy/certificate of insurance along with the name of the local
congregation or branch.

Upon receipt of an insurance certificate evidencing coverage for an outside entity, group or program, the certificate must be faxed to the Community of Christ Risk Management Division for review and approval.